What is Psychedelic Assisted Therapy?

These medicines are not about the human mind alone, they reveal Spirit, the very animating principle of Life.” – Yuria Celidwen

Psychedelic-assisted therapy involves the use of psychedelic substances—often referred to as "teacher plants" in many Indigenous cultures—in a controlled and therapeutic setting. This type of therapy can be remarkably effective in addressing various mental health challenges, including:

  • End of Life Issues: Helps individuals face mortality and find peace.
  • PTSD: Aids in processing and healing from traumatic experiences.
  • Addiction: Assists in breaking the cycle of dependency and fostering long-term recovery.
  • Depression & Anxiety: Alleviates symptoms and promotes emotional well-being.
  • Eating Disorders: Assists in shifting your body image away from unhealthy thoughts
  • Chronic Pain: Provides relief and enhances quality of life.

Many Indigenous cultures in North/South America and around the world have used plant medicine in ceremonies for healing and spiritual guidance. These traditions recognize the profound wisdom and healing power of teacher plants. Our approach to psychedelic-assisted therapy respects these ancient practices while ensuring a safe therapeutic experience.

How It Works

Initial Consultation

Our process begins with a thorough consultation with our therapist. During this session, we'll discuss your unique needs and determine if psychedelic-assisted therapy is the right path for you.

Medical Assessment

We are partnered with a full-service psychedelic-assisted therapy clinic in Calgary. Here, you'll undergo an assessment by a comprehensive medical team to ensure this therapy is safe and suitable for you.

The Therapeutic Experience

Once cleared, the medication will be administered in a controlled environment under the supervision of medical professionals. This ensures your safety and comfort throughout the experience.

Integration Sessions

Healing doesn't end with the psychedelic experience. We offer integration sessions to help you process and incorporate the insights and learnings gained during your therapy. These sessions are crucial for maximizing the benefits of your experience and fostering long-lasting change.


Why Choose Psychedelic Assisted Therapy?

Psychedelic-assisted therapy is not just about treating symptoms; it's about holistic healing. By addressing the root causes of your mental and emotional distress, this therapy offers a pathway to profound transformation and well-being.

Personalized Care

Our therapist is dedicated to providing personalized care that respects your cultural background and individual needs. We believe that true healing happens when using this two-eyed seeing approach of modern science and traditional wisdom.

Ready to Explore This Path?

If you're interested in exploring psychedelic-assisted therapy, we invite you to book an appointment with our therapist. Let's discover a healing pathway that honours your cultural heritage and personal wellness.



Thank you for considering Flower In The Wind Therapy as your partner in health and well-being. We look forward to supporting you on your healing journey.


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